7 Ways To Improve Mobile Page Speed

7 Ways To Improve Mobile Page Speed
Last Updated on : Digital Marketing Mobile marketing
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As we all know that mobile App is increasing with time. But our App must be responsive. Like our App load time should be less than 3 seconds. If your App is loaded within 3 seconds then it will get more responsive. Now, Apps are going more in demand and soon it will lead the IT world due to having the interest of people in it.

We are looking at a swift and rapid pace in mobile App development. Applications are becoming the first choice for people to serve their services and products. A change in IT world, we are facing with time and we see that a new change and technology comes after a short time of interval.

When we are thinking to make our own App then we should keep many factors in our mind and those factors will be responsible for your App success. We are looking for many changes with the time that is becoming a cause for success for your Apps. The application has become a great way to deliver what you want. With the help of the Apps, we can easily deliver our services to one destination where anyone is able to access them.

For making your App popular and user-friendly, we should count many points that are responsible for it. Here, we will discuss them in brief so by following them you can improve your App.

Here, we are going to define 7 steps by following them, we can surely boost our App. We can accelerate mobile page speed by using these tips.

Measure and Minimize Response Time

Page speed depends on the coding that is done by the developer and also on the server. When your server responds late to your query then your App becomes slow to load because data is going to delay due to the server. According to Google, your server should respond to a query within 200 milliseconds. If your server is responding later than 200 milliseconds then it increases page load time and our Apps become irresponsible. As our waiting time will increase more users will be more away from our services. There are many ways of using them we can improve this like:

  • Improve configuration of the server so it can respond fast.
  • Improve the quality of web hosting services.
  • Decrease the total resources that are used by the mobile page.
  • Avoid Redirection to AMP Speed

If we apply redirection then it will automatically take visitors to other pages. When we apply redirection then it will consume valuable time that is counted in milliseconds. It will lead us to a slower page speed. It creates more problems for the mobile user that is using a weak network compared to desktop users.

There are two kinds of redirection are available like 301 and 302. 301 leads to permanent redirection and 302 are for temporary redirection. While we apply 301 redirections then it consumes more time. Redirection increases our page load time and it will down our performance.

So always keep one thing in mind that is always far from redirection because such a small factor makes our App worse. So, we should avoid the use of redirection and if we are using it then minimize it for getting a better result.

Measure Round Trips Time [RTT]

RTT is the acronym for round-trip time. It is used by us for data transmission to a mobile or desktop according to their request. We can understand it by the remote computer. It is measured by the address ping. RTT depends upon various factors like connection source, a connection medium, and distance to the remote system to actual distance. The number of nodes, traffic, and the total number of request that is handled by the server also matter a lot.

Each and every RTT increases mobile page speed. Those kinds of issues we can solve easily following and uniting given techniques like:

  • External JavaScript
  • CSS sprite that is using image
  • External CSS
  • Load Content First

It is a very simple process, when we surf the website on mobile then its content should be loaded first because always pay heed to content and content plays a vital role. Our code should be according to sequence like when we access anything then according to sequence it should be the load. It is fruitful for us in many aspects like when our page is not ready and it is under development then if our page content loads first then the user will be attracted by it and will spend time on it. So, we should always count content as the priority. Google also recommends it and for getting the best results we should own it.

JS and CSS

JavaScript produces interactivity to online pages and it also prevents us from downloading it parallel. When JS is loading than at the same time another file would not be the load. For improving your page speed always keeps JS at the bottom so our page can load fast and our page will surely load faster. It will enable our content to load first before JavaScript. By applying JS at the bottom, we can surely increase page speed.

CSS is an acronym for cascading style sheet. It should always keep in the head of HTML that our page can load fast. We can say that applying CSS in the header part will help us to load the page fast. It helps the browser display content as soon as possible.

Optimize and Minimize JS and CSS

When you are using more data on your page and having excess data then it will increase your load time. So, we have needed to optimize and minify our CSS and JS. There are many compressors are available that will easily compress CSS and JS. It will improve our page without eliminating any features and quality. So, optimization and minimization are very important for us.

Gzip Compression

Gzip is a very helpful tool that helps to decrease page weight and page size. It is the most popular method among web developers. It is the best way to reduce the page size. It approximately creates 70% page size of the original page size. It is the most recommended and usable tool.

Our main aim is to make our mobile page load time within 3 seconds but it is a very critical process but possible. If we follow all the above techniques then we will surely be able to load our mobile page fast.

Orion Infosolutions offers you mobile optimization services so that you can make a perfect impression on your users and clients. We serve SEO and Digital Marketing services, reduce page load speed, and improve UX/UI speed. With the help of our expert team, we improve more than 50 factors that help you to boost your website and mobile page speed.

If you are looking to improve your mobile page speed then you are at the right destination. Here, we serve you more than your imagination. We are having a rich experienced developer that has vast experience to improve page load speed and improve your search ranking.

In improving our search presence on Google and any other search engine, page load speed matter a lot. So, we should pay heed to it. Only quality services can make us a leader in our services. When a person visits our website then what he notices that matters a lot. Most people surf the Internet and website from their smartphone devices and so, our mobile page load speed should be perfect and it should be loaded within 3 seconds.

We can understand it with the help of the example like in the USA if your website is taking more than 3 seconds then the user will move on and he will not make any inquiry about anything. So, page speed matters a lot. Our first priority should be page speed for both desktop and mobile.

Google also counts it to serve the best result to the user. AMP is also preferred by Google to serve their user best. So, for this, we are having the best team of experts that will help you to nourish your business in a better way by improving your SERP rank and page load speed.

Orion CEO
About Author

DC Kumawat

DC Kumawat is the CEO of Orion InfoSolutions, a leading provider of IT solutions to businesses of all sizes. He has over 14+ years of experience in the IT industry. He is a passionate advocate for the use of technology to improve business performance.