Multigaming Platform Cost App like WinZO and MPL

Multigaming Platform Cost App like WinZO and MPL
Last Updated on : Game Development Multigaming
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Do you want to tap into the multi-billion dollar mobile gaming market with your multigaming app like WinZO or MPL? The market potential is HUGE, but what's the investment? We'll lift the curtain on multigaming app development costs and show you how to win BIG. 

Multigaming apps are where a wide selection of games can be played on one platform. This means you don't need multiple apps to play various games. Have you ever heard of MPL or Winzo? If you did, then you already know how profounding apps they are. Every popular game is there in those apps. These types of apps have completely removed the hassle of installing specific apps for playing games. 

MPL and Winzo are some of the most popular apps in India, with millions of active user bases. These apps offer a wide range of games from different categories like board games, card games, fantasy sports games, arcade and puzzle games. 

Such apps are great gaming platforms for online gamers who dislike going back and forth to play their favorite games. Multigaming apps enhance the gaming experience and provide users with on-the-go gaming solutions. Plus, the real money-earning opportunity MPL and Winzo offer to its users makes them unique and most downloaded apps on mobile.  

For users, multigaming apps have been an excellent aid for all of their gaming sessions; similarly, for gaming companies, multigaming app development has given tremendous growth in terms of user base and ROI. 

You might be wondering how? 

The multigaming platform app owners have vibrant options to generate higher revenue for their businesses. Multigaming platform apps are an eminent tool for generating revenue more efficiently. App owners can utilize different business models like advertisements, in-app purchases, entry fees, subscriptions, sponsorships, and partnerships. By implementing these models, app owners are making fortunes. 

If you are wondering about the cost of multigaming platform app development, you are in the right place. In this blog, we will know the multigaming app cost and other things that help you make an informed decision for your multigaming app development idea. 

Ever since the introduction of multigaming apps, the online gaming market has seen a tremendous jump in user base, gaming platforms, and integration of AR & VR, etc.  

Indeed, the multigaming app landscape is evolving rapidly, and there is no doubt that it can offer an immersive gaming experience. These apps allow users to access and play multiple games from a single platform, making them the ultimate destination for gamers of all stripes.  

Gaming companies collaborate with modern technologies such as AR/VR, cloud gaming, AI, blockchain, etc. With such technologies, developers can create a platform that allows users to bring the most fun out of it.  

But what does the future hold for multigaming apps? Here are eight trends that are shaping their evolution: 

1. Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality Integration 

AR and VR are no longer limited to the science fiction story. These technologies are rapidly being integrated into gaming, and multigaming apps are at the forefront of this trend.  

Imagine playing your favorite mobile game overlaid on your real-world surroundings or stepping into a fully immersive virtual world to battle your friends.  

This is the future of gaming, and multigaming apps are making it a reality. 

2. Cloud Gaming 

Cloud gaming is another game-changer for multigaming apps.  

This technology lets you stream games directly from the cloud without needing a powerful console or PC. This means you can play your favorite AAA titles on any device, anywhere, anytime.  

Cloud gaming is making gaming more accessible, and multigaming apps are leading the charge.

 3. eSports and Competitive Gaming 

The rise of eSports has made gaming more competitive than ever before. Multigaming apps now cater to this demand by offering tournaments, leaderboards, and matchmaking features. 

These features allow gamers of all skill levels to compete against each other and test their mettle. 

4. Cross-platform & Progression 

In the past, gamers were often restricted to playing their favorite games on a single platform. But this is no longer the case with the rise of multigaming apps.  

Now, you can seamlessly switch between your phone, tablet, console, and PC and still have your progress carry over.  

This makes it easier to stay connected to your games and friends, no matter where you are. 

5. AI & Personalization 

Artificial intelligence is increasingly important in gaming, and multigaming apps are no exception.  

AI can personalize each player's gaming experience by recommending games, tailoring difficulty levels, and even providing in-game assistance.  

This makes gaming more enjoyable and engaging for everyone. 

6. Blockchain & NFT Integration 

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing the way we think about ownership and value in the digital world. And it's starting to have an impact on gaming as well.  

Multigaming apps are now exploring ways to integrate blockchain and NFTs into their platforms.  

This could allow players to own their in-game items truly and even trade them with other players. 

7. Social and Community Features 

Gaming is a social activity, and multigaming apps are making it easier than ever for players to connect with others on the platform.  

These apps offer chat, voice communication, and social media integration features. This allows players to make friends, collaborate, and share their gaming experiences with their friends and other players. 

8. Accessibility and Inclusivity 

The gaming industry has long been criticized for lacking accessibility and inclusivity. But multigaming apps are working to change that. 

These apps are being designed with features that make them playable for people of all abilities and backgrounds.  

This includes features like adjustable difficulty levels, alternative control schemes, and even support for assistive technologies. 

These are just a few of the trends that are shaping the future of multigaming apps. As these technologies continue to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative and immersive gaming experiences. So, the future of gaming is looking bright! 

Top Multigaming Platform Apps Like Winzo and MPL 

Platforms like Winzo and MPL have revolutionized how we play, offering a diverse landscape of skill-based games where you can compete and win big.  

But with so many options available, choosing the right app can feel overwhelming. Worry not, fellow gamers! We've got you all covered.  

Here is the list of the top best multigaming real money earning app alternatives to the Winzo and MPL: 

My11 Circle 

My11 Circle is a popular app like Winzo known for its massive selection of games, catering to every taste.  

From classic board games like Ludo and Carrom to adrenaline-pumping esports like PUBG and Call of Duty, there's something for everyone.  

MPL boasts a user-friendly interface, smooth gameplay, and frequent tournaments with enticing prize pools. Additionally, their referral program and bonus offers keep the earning potential high.  

Whether you're a casual gamer or a competitive warrior, MPL is a one-stop shop for thrilling contests and real-money rewards. 


Dream11 is an ultimate real money-earning playground with great fun and real money-making opportunities.  

You start with building your dream team, strategizing your player lineup, and watching as your virtual team competes in real-world matches.  

The thrill of predicting player performance and bagging big wins based on actual matches is unmatched. Dream11 offers multiple cricket formats, including IPL and international tournaments, keeping the excitement fresh and the rewards substantial. 

If you have a knack for fantasy sports and a passion for cricket, Dream11 is the app to test your skills and potentially earn a fortune. 


When looking for apps like Winzo or MPL, Zupee secured its place in the list of the best Winzo and MPL like applications. Zupee is your perfect match for all of your gaming needs.  

This real earning app like MPL features many familiar and beloved games like Ludo, Carrom, Snakes & Ladders, and even quizzes, making it ideal for families and friends to enjoy together.  

The focus is on fun and quick bursts of gameplay, with frequent tournaments and daily rewards keeping the excitement alive.  

Zupee's user-friendly interface and low entry fees make it accessible to everyone, allowing you to win real money while reliving your childhood gaming days. 

Paytm First Games 

Paytm First Games is a perfect alternative to Winzo and MPL apps.  

Paytm First Games offers classic and modern games, including cricket, Ludo, quizzes, and even esports tournaments.  

The familiar interface and secure payment system backed by Paytm's established reputation make it a reliable and trustworthy gaming platform.  

Additionally, Paytm First Games frequently offers exclusive bonuses and promotions, making it a lucrative option for those looking to maximize their earnings. 


Gamezy is another multigaming app like Winzo and MPL that has become the talk of the town within a short period.  

This app focuses primarily on esports titles like PUBG Mobile, Free Fire, and Call of Duty, with regular tournaments and leagues offering substantial prize pools.  

Gamezy's skill-based matchmaking ensures you face worthy opponents, making every victory a test of your gaming prowess. The platform also offers fantasy esports options, allowing you to build your virtual team and strategize your way to victory.  

So, if you have the skills and the drive, Gamezy is where you can prove your mettle and earn big rewards in the world of esports.

How Do Multigaming Platform App Owners Generate Revenue For Their Business? 

It’s pretty simple as users download the app, and to play some games, they will require coins. Players will buy coins from the in-app store in exchange for real money. So, the money they spend is the revenue for the app owners. However, the revenue growth will depend on the players’ purchase of the coins. 

Pro Tip:- For revenue growth, creating sets of coin packages would be more effective. You can create packages with different coin quantities, such as: 

  • 999 coin package for XX amount
  • 2,999 coin package for XX amount
  • 3,999 coin package for XX amount
  • 4,599 coin package for XX amount
  • 5,999 coin package for XX amount 

By offering a variety of coin packages, you can cater to different customer preferences and increase the chances of making a considerable revenue. 

Numerous other ways to make a fortune exist, such as paid partnerships, sponsorships, advertisements, etc. 

What Are the Benefits of Multigaming Platform App Development?

Before opting for a multigaming platform app, you should know its benefits. Multigaming apps are beneficial for both users and app owners. Multigaming platform app owners generate revenue as their primary benefit. Players download your multigaming apps to earn real money by playing various games. The same applies to app owners as well.

Apart from high revenue opportunities, the platform also offers various benefits to businesses, and below are some of them: 

  • Brand Recognition and Marketing: A single platform showcasing multiple games strengthens brand visibility and attracts sponsorships, effectively reaching a large target audience. 
  • Data-Driven Insights: Access to user data on game preferences, engagement metrics, and spending habits allows for informed decision-making, improving game selection, marketing strategies, and overall platform optimization. 
  • Reduced Development Costs: Compared to developing individual game apps, a multigaming platform requires less effort and maintenance, offering cost-effectiveness.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: The platform can easily add new games, features, and functionalities, adapting to changing trends and user preferences.

Top Features You Can Include In Your Multigaming platform App

How will your multigaming app become interesting? 

Of course, with its features and functionality. Features create a next-level gaming experience. To stand out as the best in this cut-throat competitive gaming environment, offering highly engaging multigaming apps with lucrative basic and advanced features is essential. Here are some unique features of multigaming platform apps like Winzo and MPL. 

Multiple Games 

The multigaming platform is built to provide many online games, from old to trending ones. Providing a wide selection of games to your users in your multigaming app can help you engage them in hours of gaming sessions. However, it's also important because users want platforms that offer them various games on a single app, so they don't have to go back and forth to play different games. 

Coin-Cash System 

This is one of the main priority features for your multigaming app. Coin-cash allows users to purchase the coin through real money. Therefore, the coin system you integrate should offer a seamless transaction experience to your users. Too much complexity while transacting will make your users more frustrated, and they will leave your multigaming app instantly. 

Quick Deposit and Money Withdrawal 

You must implement quality features to allow users to spend most of their time playing the game on your multigaming app. Therefore, a quick deposit and money withdrawal system must be integrated into your multigaming platform. 

Play Online with Real Money 

This is a main prior feature for your multigaming app, enabling users to play certain games for real money. With this, users can play games using their knowledge and skills to win real money. 

Cross-platform Play and Progression

Allow players to seamlessly switch between devices (PC, mobile, console) while maintaining progress and in-game items. This fosters a broader player base and encourages continued engagement. 

Cloud Gaming and Streaming Integration 

Partner with cloud gaming services or enable direct streaming within the app. This allows users to play demanding games on low-end devices or access titles not natively available on their platform. 

In-app Chat Feature 

In-app chat is a mandatory feature to integrate into your multigaming platform app. This allows users to converse with other players who joined the same game lobby. With this, players can send text, emojis, and funny stickers to keep the engagement level always on top. 

Game Tournaments 

Allow your users to participate in different tournaments for high rewards to earn more. This will keep the game exciting and challenge users competing for higher stakes. 

User Interface/User Experience 

As the world has said, your first impression is your last impression. Similarly, your multigaming app UI/UX design should be top-notch, as this is the first thing users will notice. Therefore, creating a highly interactive and eye-catching interface is essential to attract users and keep them engaged in the hours of gaming sessions. 

What Factors Affect the Multigaming Platform Cost? 

Several factors affect the multigaming app cost and vary from country to country. There are a few factors that significantly influence the overall multigaming app development cost

  • The platform you develop your app on (Android/iOS/Web)
  • The number of features and functionality you integrate
  • Development team location and experience also play a significant role
  • The technology you will choose for your multigaming app development
  • The level of UI and UX designing and customization integration
  • Development time and other resources 

Don't think too much if you want to know the exact cost associated with the multigaming app development. Contact Orion InfoSolutions and get experts to bring your idea into reality cost-effectively. They specialize in creating feature-packed apps like MPL and Winzo with top-notch UI/UX. 

How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Multigaming Platform App Like Winzo Or MPL?

On average, it costs $30,000 to $50,000 to develop mobile game apps like Winzo or Gamezy for an Android or iOS platform. However, if you want to develop an app like MPL that supports multiple platforms with more advanced features may cost you up to $80,000. 

Asides from a mobile app development company you choose, there are other cost-affecting factors of an app like Winzo or Hago

  • The cost of a multigaming platform app like Winzo game app development for small businesses is: $20 to $30 per hour
  • Price for platform app like Winzo app development for medium-scale companies: $30 to $40 per hour
  • Charges for multigaming platform apps like Winzo multigaming app development for companies: $50 to $70 per hour 

Developing a fully-featured multi-gaming platform app like MPL or Winzo requires careful planning to estimate the timeline accurately. Some key factors to consider include the number of games to be had at launch, the scope of features, and the level of customization for the user interface.  

For an app with core gaming functionality and moderate customization, the development process typically takes 20 weeks. However, apps aiming for a more extensive feature set with deeper platform integration and compatibility may require 30 weeks or more of work, depending on the specific requirements. 

Which Games to Include In Multigaming Platform Apps? 

The point of creating multigaming platform apps is to bring all the gaming needs into one platform wherein players can play their favorite games without needing to install multiple apps on their smartphones. The success behind the multigaming apps is the wide range of games it offers users to play. To make your multigaming app more unique, you can add many popular games like Ludo, Rummy, Carrom board, and Chess. You can also add fantasy sports games, including cricket, hockey, basketball, tennis, etc. All these games are popular and can help you attract a wide range of users to your multigaming app. 

Why Choose Orion InfoSolutions to Develop Your Multigaming Platform Apps? 

Developing a multigaming app like Winzo and MPL is a challenging process requiring time, planning, resources, technologies, team, and money. As creating an app like MPL or any other multigaming app is a daunting task, to simplify it, you need to hire a professional multigaming app development company that can enrich your app with top-notch features and functionalities and the latest trends to stay ahead in the market and attract players easily. 

If you have a Winzo or MPL app idea and want to make it real, contact Orion InfoSolutions, the top trusted and leading multigaming app development company with rich experience in bringing any type of simple to complex app ideas into reality. Share your idea with Orion InfoSolutions to build an enriching quality, feature-packed, and highest standard-oriented multigaming app. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does it cost to develop an multigaming platform like WinZO app? 

The cost to develop a multigaming platform like Winzo or MPL is $40,000 to $100,000 with enrich-feature and functionality for both platforms (Android and iOS). 

What features are essential for a successful multigaming app? 

Here is the list of features that are essential for a successful multigaming app

  • Diverse Game Library
  • Seamless Gameplay & UI/UX
  • Social Connect & Community Features
  • Monetization Options
  • Robust Security & Regulations 

What are the challenges of developing a multigaming app in India? 

Finding the right game mix, navigating regulations, and ensuring seamless integration of diverse games and payment gateways are vital challenges. Local expertise and a deep understanding of the Indian market are crucial for success. 

How can I reduce the cost of developing a multigaming platform app? 

Here are some of the lucrative cost-reducing tips for your multigaming app

  • Prioritize core features
  • Utilize open-source technologies
  • Agile development
  • Outsource strategically 

What are the potential revenue streams for a multigaming platform app? 

Here are the potential revenue streams for a multigaming app

  • In-app purchases
  • Advertising
  • Subscriptions
  • Tournaments and leagues 

Do you offer multigaming platform app development services? 

Yes, Orion InfoSolutions is your one-stop shop for multigaming app development! Our team of skilled developers and passionate gamers understands the Indian market and the challenges of creating a winning app. We offer

  • Expert consultation
  • Custom development
  • Performance optimization
  • Post-launch support 

So, are you ready to build the next multigaming sensation? Contact Orion InfoSolutions today, and let's make your vision a reality!

About Author

DC Kumawat

DC Kumawat is the CEO of Orion InfoSolutions, a leading provider of IT solutions to businesses of all sizes. He has over 14+ years of experience in the IT industry. He is a passionate advocate for the use of technology to improve business performance.