Poker Game Rules and What is Poker Online?

Poker Game Rules and What is Poker Online?
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Online Poker: An Introduction

So, what is online poker?

Internet poker is the same as playing poker at a real-world casino. Online poker sites offer a variety of different poker games, stakes, and game variations (including totally free online poker games!).

What is the difference between online and live poker?

No matter if you play online poker or live poker in person, the rules are the same. The differences, however, are significant.

It tends to be faster, less risky (you can play for a smaller amount), and more convenient (you can play whenever and wherever you want).

The downside is that you won't be able to look anyone in the eye since you're usually playing against strangers. Even though it takes some practice, there are still a lot of ways to determine whether someone is bluffing.

A man who revolutionized the game.

Before the early 2000s, poker was largely played in back rooms of smokey clubs and casinos, but internet technology and a Tennessee accountant changed all that. Prior to 2000, most online poker games were performed in chat rooms and were recreational in nature. Those days are gone, thanks to technological advancements and secure online poker sites that can hold players' funds and let them place wagers against others.

When Chris Moneymaker won a $40 tournament online in 2003, people began taking online poker sites more seriously. As a result of winning the tournament, Moneymaker took home roughly $2.5 million and revolutionized poker. In no time at all, ESPN was showcasing poker and hundreds of thousands of players flocked to online poker.

An Introduction to Online Poker?

A lot of the reasons why people like live poker apply to online poker as well. It's an intellectual, fun game that you can have fun playing. Unlike slot machines or lottery tickets, it rewards skill. Additionally, you can play from the comfort of your own home at any time, for as long as you like, for any stakes you want.

Are Online Casinos Legit?

Definitely. Playing online poker and winning real money is one of the main reasons people play the game, no matter what the stakes are!

Online Poker: How to Get Started?

What Are the Basics?

Getting started is easy.

Playing online poker requires very few requirements, and you might be able to use the same device you're using right now to browse this page. It doesn't take much processing power to play online poker and most laptops or desktops from the early 2000s or later have plenty of memory. Nowadays, you can play real money poker on your smartphone or tablet using real money poker apps. These include apps for Android and iOS devices.

There are also many game variations that are particularly well suited to being played on mobile devices.

Does Online Poker Require a Lot of Money to Play?

It doesn't. To get started, you can play free games for play-money at a variety of websites. Most people deposit between $50 and $200 after they've had their fun with that, and that usually lasts them a very long time. Playing online games that don't drain your account in one go is the key to saving your account. In the case of a $50 bankroll online, you should probably go for $1 tournaments until you have accumulated a few dollars.

In cash games, you can play as low as $.01/$.02, making $50 a massive bankroll with little chance of going broke. In addition, there are several ways to keep your bankroll going. An important part of building a healthy poker bankroll is getting a good poker welcome bonus.

Learn How To Play Online Poker.

Playing online poker from your home computer or laptop is as simple as downloading the software from the site you choose. Regardless of your Internet connection speed, even a slow connection should be able to handle this download fairly quickly. No download poker games are also available at any poker site if you'd prefer not to download anything, although they do not offer the same functionality and playability as the full download version.

You can install the software by double-clicking the installer package after it has been downloaded. The next step is to create a user account (on some websites you do it before downloading the software). If the minimum legal age in your jurisdiction is higher than 18, you must be at least 18 years old. If you are under the age of 18, you won't be able to get past the checks.

There are some exceptions to the requirement of using a credit card or prepaid card for online poker deposits. Sites accept most major credit cards, such as Visa or MasterCard, as well as the most popular online eWallets, such as Neteller, Skrill, and PayPal. Visit the following page to see a complete list of your options for making online poker deposits in your country:

Online Poker Deposits

"Learning takes a minute, but mastery takes a lifetime."

The purpose of this article is to explain the poker rules and dynamics that determine how to play the game.

As an example, we will use No-Limit Texas Hold'em, the most popular game, and we will touch upon some other variations to give you a sense of what they are.

We will discuss topics such as:

1. Poker Strategies

2. How to rank your hands

3. The Flop, the Turn, and the River

4. Betting on the Dealer and Blinds

5. Cash Games vs. Tournaments

6. Poker variations.

Tips for winning at poker

Poker is won either by bluffing your opponent or holding the best hand (aka, the showdown). When playing poker, you want to make the best five-card hand you can. A high card can be followed by a Royal Flush.

See the poker hand rankings for more information.

In descending order, here are the best poker hands under standard poker rules:

1. Royal Flush: This is the rarest poker hand. A ten-to-ace straight is when you get all the cards in the same suit, such as A♦K♦Q♦J♦T♦

2. Straight Flush: If you have five cards of the same suit, like 8 7 6 5 4, then you have a straight flush.

3. Four of a Kind: It's as simple as it sounds. Quads are four in a row, so A 4 4 4 4 would be a quad!

4. Full House: A Full House is two of one thing and three of another - for instance, A A A A J J, three of this and two of that.

5. When playing poker, you use diamonds, spades, hearts, and clubs. If all your cards are of the same suit, you have a flush in poker. A good example is J 8 4 2.

6. As an example, 8 7 6 5 4 is straight, because it consists of five consecutive cards of different suits. A-2-3-4-5 straights are called "wheels," whereas 10-J-Q-K-A is called "Broadway."

7. A three-of-a-kind card is any card that has three of the same suit (e.g. A K 5 5 5). When you get three of a kind with one in the hole and two on the board, this is called a "set." When you get three of a kind with two on the board and one in the hole, it's called a "trip."

8. Two Pairs: Two pairs are better than one. Your kicker is the fifth card. With the A K 5 K 5, you have a pair of kings and a pair of fives.

9. One Pair: Each suit consists of thirteen different cards. Pairs are formed whenever two cards match. A pair of aces would be A A 7 4 2 2.

10. A high card becomes the deciding factor if there is no ranked hand (different suits, non-connected, unpaired). Ace-queen high is A Q 9 6 3.

Below you will find an example of a poker hand played using poker rules. Each player receives two facedown cards in No-Limit Texas Hold'em, called "hole cards."

When it is their turn to act, players always have the following options: bet, call, raise, or fold.

To win a hand, players have to form the best five-card hand with their two hole cards and the five community cards on the board.

Players place "preflop" bets after receiving their cards. Streets, or subsequent rounds, are called differently.

A flop is a collection of the first three community cards dealt. These cards can be used by all remaining players to create the strongest poker hand. Now the betting begins. As soon as the action begins, the first player on the left of the dealer button is the first to act.

The turn (also known as Fourth Street) happens after betting has been completed on the flop. To make the best five-card hand, active players will receive two hole cards and four community cards.

Bets will be placed again. This time, the first player left of the button starts the action. The game proceeds clockwise. The betting round concludes when all players have acted.

There are five community cards in total, and the river (AKA Fifth Street) is the last. Bets are placed at the end. During the showdown, players raise their hands if all action has been completed. When a player makes the last bet, they are known as the last aggressor. The person with the best five-card hand wins the pot. This action ends the current hand and begins a new one.

If you are first to act in a $1/$2 No-Limit Hold'em game after the big blind (more about blinds below), you are first to act. You have been dealt a $2 blind bet, so you can either call it, raise it, or fold.

Suppose you raise to $6 with the A K. Everybody folds to the big blind, who calls with an additional $4.

Upon seeing the flop, the board shows A 5 6. The first to act is the player in the big blind, and he can either check or bet. As there is no bet, the player is not required to fold. Instead, the player checks, and you bet $10.

They call and the K♦ turns. You check. Your bet is $25. A call from the big blind completes the board on the river.

When you bet $100, your opponent checks for a third time.

That means your turn has come.

The best possible five-card hand is your two pairs (the A K plus the A K 6 on the board).

Due to having only the A Q for a losing pair of aces, your opponent was beaten. They have their best possible five-card hand with A Q plus A K 6.

Well done!

Here are the poker rules for a hand, but the tricky part is how you play your hand and compete against others. You should be attentive to a few other things, such as where the dealer is seated.

Blinds and Dealer Button

Dealing is typically handled by a dedicated dealer. Often, players rotate deals among themselves when playing poker at home.

A button indicates the dedicated dealer if there is one. A clockwise turn is made after every hand. This button identifies where each action of the process should begin.

The first person to the left of the button starts the action.

In order for any cards to be dealt with, the player directly left of the button must post (pay) the small blind. This must be followed by the big blind.

Players are given something to chase by blinds. Blinds are forced bets. If blinds did not exist in poker, players would never "blind off." If they always folded before the flop, they would not lose chips.

Traditionally, players would wait until they had Aces dealt to them before going all-in.

In a $1-$2 No-Limit Hold'em game, for example, the player directly to the left of the button must place a $1 small blind. After that, the player must place a $2 big blind. This is a mandatory "blind bet." In poker, players who refuse to make this bet must sit out.

Championships vs. Cash Games

There are two basic formats for playing poker against other players - tournaments and cash games (also known as ring games). Each of these formats has its own set of rules.

Below are the basic guidelines, but there are four major differences.

1. Blinds:

Cash games always have fixed blinds (i.e. $1-$2, $2-$5, etc.) that do not increase. Blinds increase in tournaments according to the blind structure every X-number of minutes. In order to ensure the tournament concludes on time, blinds increase every X minutes.

2. Duration:

The convenience of cash games is their ability to be played at any time. A tournament cannot be played at any time. The blind structure dictates that play continues until a winner is crowned.

3. Chips:

The denominations of cash game chips correspond with their real-money values. Chip denominations are often not determined by real money values in tournaments. Imagine you purchase $100 worth of chips in a $100 tournament.

4. Antes:

In a sense, Ante bets are like blinds in that they are forced bets players must place before a hand starts. Cash games do have Ante bets occasionally. They are not included in the first round of betting (preflop), unlike blinds.

Ante bets are merely used to increase the pot before the flop. This makes it more likely that players will compete for the dead money before the flop.

Like blinds, Ante bets are forced wagers that players must place before a hand can traditional antes to save on time. In tournaments, this format is used to speed up the pace of the game.

The button ante will be applied to all players every time the blinds rotate after the hand ends.

Different Poker Variants

In spite of Texas Hold'em popularity, it is by no means the only form of poker. There are dozens of variations of poker, and many are taking hold of Holdem's popularity.

Here are some of the other poker variations:

Texas Hold'em

Undoubtedly the most popular poker variant worldwide, Texas Hold'em is a game of both skill and luck. Players receive two private cards (hole cards) and share five community cards placed face-up on the table. The best five-card hand using any combination of hole and community cards wins the pot.   

The game unfolds in four betting rounds: pre-flop, flop, turn, and river. Each round offers opportunities for strategic betting and bluffing. Hold'em's balance of skill and chance, coupled with its fast-paced nature, has contributed to its immense popularity.   


Similar to Hold'em, Omaha involves community cards, but players receive four-hole cards instead of two. The key difference lies in hand composition: players must use exactly two hole cards and three community cards to form their best five-card hand. This rule adds more complexity and strategic depth to the game which makes it more fun and engaging.   

Omaha comes in two primary variations: Omaha High and Omaha Hi-Lo (also known as Pot-Limit Omaha or PLO). In Omaha High, the highest hand wins the pot. In Omaha Hi-Lo, the pot is split between the highest and lowest hands, provided the low hand meets specific criteria.   

Seven-Card Stud

A classic poker variant, Seven-Card Stud involves both face-up and face-down cards. Players start with three cards, two face-down and one face-up. Subsequent rounds introduce additional face-up cards until each player has seven cards. The best five-card hand from these seven wins the pot.   

Stud poker requires a keen understanding of hand probabilities and the ability to read opponents based on their exposed cards. It's a game that rewards patience and calculated aggression.


A split-pot variant of Seven-Card Stud, Razz is played lowball, meaning the lowest hand wins. Aces are high, and straights and flushes do not count. The objective is to form the lowest five-card hand using any combination of the seven cards dealt.   

Razz is a game of skill and discipline, where players must carefully evaluate their hands and make calculated decisions. Bluffing is less effective in Razz compared to other poker variants, as players have more information about their opponents' hands.


A mixed game format, HORSE combines five different poker variants: Hold'em, Omaha Hi-Lo, Razz, Stud, and Eight-or-Better (another lowball variant). Players rotate through each game, playing a predetermined number of hands per variation.   

HORSE is a challenging game that demands versatility and adaptability. Players must excel at multiple poker variants to succeed. It's a popular choice among experienced poker players seeking a diverse and mentally stimulating experience.

Results Tracking!

You can track your poker results even if you're a casual player. By tracking your profits and losses, you can see where your money is going and what works. The majority of poker sites provide this feature. After you're done playing, click on the session statistics to see how you did. Take special note of your win rate, flops, and showdowns.

Several options are available to you if you would like to see your results in more detail. We offer the following suggestions:

Reward Programs for Online Poker Players

You earn frequent player points when you play real-money poker online. You can redeem these points for cash and prizes. A frequent player program rewards customers for their loyalty by offering valuable perks such as free tournament buy-ins, free merchandise, and even cash.

Frequent player points are worth their weight in gold! However, some players ignore their points and let them accumulate. It pays to keep track of your points since there are valuable rewards if you earn enough of them! Orion InfoSolutions offers information on player rewards programs and online poker.

Orion CEO
About Author

DC Kumawat

DC Kumawat is the CEO of Orion InfoSolutions, a leading provider of IT solutions to businesses of all sizes. He has over 14+ years of experience in the IT industry. He is a passionate advocate for the use of technology to improve business performance.