Ultimate Guide About Multiplayer Ludo Game Development

Ultimate Guide About Multiplayer Ludo Game Development
Last Updated on : Game Development Board games
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Ludo is a different kind of hit game in this modern and digital world among all other popular game segments. Ludo has become increasingly popular in recent years thanks to the rise of mobile gaming. And the reason behind this is modern technologies. Technology has changed the online Ludo game in several ways. It has made it possible for people to play Ludo with each other from all over the world. Also, it has improved the graphics and gameplay of Ludo games.

In this informative guide, we will provide you with everything you need to know about multiplayer Ludo app development for your business. We will cover the basics of Ludo, as well as the different features and benefits you can include in your game and make it fabulous and user-oriented. We will also discuss some revenue models you can use to monetize your gaming business effectively.

Multiplayer Ludo & Its Market Overview

Multiplayer Ludo is a modern and online game played by two to four players. The game is played on a board with four paths, each with four spaces. Each player has four tokens, which they must move around the board to reach the finish line first. Players can roll a die to move their tokens and use special tokens to block other players or move their tokens forward.

Multiplayer Ludo is a popular game in many countries, and it is especially popular in India. The game is often played with family and friends and can be a great way to pass the time. Multiplayer Ludo is also a relatively simple game to learn, so it is a good choice for players of all ages.

The market for multiplayer Ludo is growing rapidly. In 2020, the global market for Multiplayer Ludo was valued at $1.2 billion, and it is expected to grow to $2.5 billion by 2025. The growth of the market is being driven by the increasing popularity of mobile gaming and the growing popularity of multiplayer Ludo in emerging markets.

There are many different multiplayer Ludo games available on the market. Some popular games include Ludo King, Ludo Star, and Ludo Passion. These games offer a variety of features, such as multiplayer mode, online chat, and customizable game boards.

Here are some of the benefits of playing multiplayer Ludo game:

  • Playing Ludo is a great way to socialize with friends and family.
  • Fun, challenging, and engaging game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.
  • Great way to pass the time.
  • Help improve your strategic thinking skills.
  • Improves your hand-eye coordination.
  • Help improve your memory.
  • Reduces stress.

Multiplayer Ludo Game Development - Benefits for Businesses

Here are the benefits of a multiplayer Ludo game development for your businesses: 

Increased brand awareness: People who play your game will see your brand name and logo. This can help people remember your business and what you do.

Lead generation: You can collect people's contact information when they play your game. This information can be used to market your products or services to them.

Increased sales: People who play your game may be more likely to buy your products or services. This is because they will be familiar with your brand and have a positive experience playing your game.

Improved customer engagement: People who play your game will be more likely to visit your website or social media pages. They will also be likely to share your game with friends and family. This can help you reach more people and grow your business.

Revenue generation: There are a number of ways to make money from a multiplayer Ludo game. You can sell in-app items, show ads, or charge a subscription fee.

If you want to grow your business, developing a multiplayer Ludo game is a great option. It is a fun and popular game that can reach many people. And on top of that, it increases your brand value in the industry.

How to Design a Multiplayer Ludo Game? A Complete Guide on Multiplayer Ludo Game Development

In this modern era, no one wants dull and complex style games. Today's users want a thrill, adventure, and engaging gaming experience. And to give them just that, you'll need to understand their basic needs and expectations. Therefore, by considering all of these, designing your multiplayer Ludo game is important. Here is the multiplayer Ludo game development process that will help you develop your own top-class and engaging Ludo game app efficiently.

  1. Define the game's objectives: What do you want players to achieve in your game?
  • In Ludo, the game objective is to be the first player to get all four of your tokens to the finish line.
  • You can also add other objectives, such as getting the most tokens to the finish line or getting all of your tokens to the finish line in the least amount of time.
  • Make sure the objectives are clear and easy to understand.
  1. Design the game's mechanics: How will players interact with the game?
  • In Ludo, players roll a die to move their tokens around the board. They can also use special tokens to block other players or move their tokens forward.
  • You can also add other mechanics, such as allowing players to trade tokens or attack other players' tokens.
  • Make sure the mechanics are fun and engaging.
  1. Design the game's art and sound: What will the game look like and sound like?
  • Ludo's board is typically a checkered pattern with four different paths. The tokens are typically different colors, and the dice are six-sided.
  • You can also add your art and sound to make the game visually appealing and engaging.
  • Ensure the art and sound is consistent with the game's theme and objectives.
  1. Design the game's user interface: How will players interact with the game's menus and controls?
  • In Ludo, the user interface is typically simple. Players can roll the die by clicking on it and move their tokens by clicking on them.
  • You can also add your user interface to make the game more user-friendly.
  • Make sure the game user interface is clear and easy to use.
  1. Test the game: Once you have designed your Ludo game, ensuring it is fun and works as intended is important. You can test the game yourself or with friends and family.
  • Get feedback from testers on the game's objectives, mechanics, art, sound, and user interface.
  • Make changes to the game based on feedback provided by the testers.
  1. Improve the game based on feedback: Once you have tested the game, you may need to make some changes based on feedback from testers. This could include changing the game's objectives, mechanics, art, sound, or user interface.
  • Keep testing your developed multiplayer Ludo game and make changes until you are happy with the results.
  1. Release the game: If you are happy with it and its mechanisms that means you have completed your multiplayer Ludo game development journey successfully. Now you can release it to various app markets. You can release it on a website, app store, or other platform.
  • Promote your Ludo game to get players interested.
  • Continue to update the game with new features and content to keep players engaged.

By following these steps, you can design a multiplayer Ludo game that is fun, engaging, and successful.

Features for Multiplayer Ludo Mobile App Development

Multiplayer Ludo games are a great way to connect with friends and family and can be a lot of fun. While developing your own multiplayer Ludo mobile app, there are various key features that should be included. Including those features can make your multiplayer Ludo game development more engaging and entertaining for the players.

Here are the top features that you should include in your multiplayer Ludo mobile app development time: 

Real-time Multiplayer 

This is a crucial feature to make your multiplayer Ludo game development flawless and successful. With this feature players can compete against each other in real-time, making the game more exciting and engaging. For example, players can play against their friends or family members who are in the same room or against other players from all over the world. This is a great way for players to connect and have fun.


Players can chat during the game, which can help build camaraderie and make the experience more social. This is a great way for players to communicate with each other and strategize during the game. Chatting with other players and making new friends can also be a lot of fun.


Players can track their progress and compare their scores to other players, adding an element of competition. This is a great way for players to see how they stack up against other players and to motivate themselves to improve their skills. It can also be fun to see how your friends and family are doing in the game.


Players can earn achievements for completing certain tasks, adding a sense of accomplishment to the game. This is a great way for players to feel rewarded for their efforts and to keep them engaged in the game. Collecting achievements and showing your progress to friends and family can also be a lot of fun.


To make your multiplayer Ludo game development stand out and amazing you need to add customization options for players. Players can customize their game experience by choosing their avatar, board design, and other settings. This is a great way for players to personalize the game and make it more enjoyable. Experimenting with different customization options and finding the perfect look for your game can also be fun.

In-app Purchases 

Players can purchase in-game items, such as coins, power-ups, and other boosts, giving them an advantage. This is a great way for players to support the game's developers and get ahead in the game. Collecting different in-game items and using them to improve your game can also be fun.

Offline Mode 

Players can play the game offline, even without an internet connection. This is a great way for players to continue playing the game even when they don't have an internet connection. Playing the game offline can also be fun when you're on the go.

Multiple Game Modes 

Players can choose from various game modes, such as classic Ludo, quick Ludo, and tournament Ludo. This is a great way for players to find the perfect game mode for their mood. It can also be fun to try different game modes and see which one you like the best.

Support for Multiple Devices 

Players can play the game on various devices like smartphones, tablets, and computers. When choosing your multiplayer Ludo game development partner make sure that they are well-versed in optimizing applications for all sorts of devices. This is a great way for players to play the game, no matter their device. Playing the game with your friends and family on different devices can also be a lot of fun.

Regular Updates 

The game should regularly update with new features, content, and bug fixes. This is a great way for players to keep returning to the game and find new things to do. It can also be fun to see what new features and content have been added to the game.

How to Earn Money from Your Developed Multiplayer Ludo Game App for Your Business?

After successfully making your way from the multiplayer Ludo game development process your job doesn't end here. Now it’s time to start creating plans to earn money from your game. This industry is filled with Ludo game applications earning massive revenue. There are many profound business revenue models available that you can use in your Ludo game to earn massive revenue. Here is a more detailed and easy-to-understand guide on how to earn money from your developed multiplayer Ludo game app for your business:

In-app Purchases: In-app purchases are the most common way to monetize a mobile game. Players can purchase in-game items, such as coins, power-ups, and other boosts, giving them an advantage. For example, you can sell coins that players can use to purchase power-ups or other items. You can also sell power-ups directly to players.

Ad Revenue: You can generate higher revenue from your game application by displaying relevant ads. When your players view or click on ads, you earn some money for each of those clicks and views. For example, you can display ads on the loading screens of your game, or you can place ads in the game itself.

Sponsorships: You can partner with brands and businesses to sponsor your game. This can involve displaying their logos in the game or having them create exclusive content. For example, you can partner with a clothing brand to display their logo on the characters' clothes in your game.

Donations: This monetization model might not be effective, but it can still help you generate revenues. You can allow players to donate money to support your game. This is a good option if you have a large and loyal following. For example, you can create a donation button on your game's website or app.

Subscriptions: You can also charge players a monthly or yearly subscription fee to access exclusive features or content in your game. You can charge players a fee to unlock all of the power-ups in your game.

By combining these methods, you can generate significant revenue from your multiplayer Ludo game app.

Here are some additional tips for monetizing your multiplayer Ludo game app: 

  • Make sure your game is high quality and fun to play. If your game is not good, people will not play it, and you will not make any money out of it. Ensure your game is well-designed, has engaging gameplay, and is bug-free.
  • The most important thing to consider is that knowing who your game is for. In simple words, know your target audience; you can’t just make your game available for those who are not interested or belongs to gaming. Once you know your target audience, you can tailor your monetization strategy to appeal to them. For example, if your game is aimed at children, you can sell in-game items that appeal to children.
  • Test different monetization methods to see which one provides your business higher profitability. There is no one-size-fits-all monetization strategy. Try different methods and see what works best for your game. For example, you can test different types of ads to see which ones generate the most revenue.
  • Be patient; it takes time to build a successful mobile game, and do not expect to grow your business overnight. Keep working on your game and promoting it; eventually, you will start seeing the desired results.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Multiplayer Ludo Game?

It is not possible to define the exact cost of developing a multiplayer Ludo game unless we know every detail and specification of your project. Most gaming entrepreneurs hire experienced mobile game app developers for multiplayer Ludo game development. Generally, on average, multiplayer Ludo game app development costs around $3000 to $30,000. If you want to integrate more advanced features, graphics and technical aspects into the platform, the cost can go up to $50,000.

There are various factors affecting the cost of overall multiplayer Ludo game development solutions such as:-

  • Developer Location
  • Reputation of Ludo Game Development Company
  • Graphics Level
  • Technology Stack
  • Complexity of Features
  • Application Size


A multiplayer Ludo game development is not an overnight job; it requires expert knowledge and guidance from a development company with practical experience in various programming and technologies. To stay ahead of the cut-throat competition in today’s world, use the latest technology and mobile game development languages and engines to develop future-ready game solutions.

Choose Orion InfoSolutions as your Ludo game development company for your next project partner to get scalable, reliable, high-performance game development services. If you are fascinated by the multiplayer Ludo game development concept, hire us and work with our experienced mobile game developers to take your business to the next level. As the best mobile game development company, we can provide you with technology-enabled and next-generation real money game development solutions that match your business goals, objectives and requirements.

About Author

DC Kumawat

DC Kumawat is the CEO of Orion InfoSolutions, a leading provider of IT solutions to businesses of all sizes. He has over 14+ years of experience in the IT industry. He is a passionate advocate for the use of technology to improve business performance.