What You Should Know About Laravel 8 Release

What You Should Know About Laravel 8 Release
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Laravel is a famous PHP framework for web development. Laravel 8 has just been released, and it brings with it some big changes. Here are some of the most significant changes to watch out for in the coming weeks and months.

Laravel 8 offers the following key improvements:

- New frameworks - Phalcon, Lumen, and Zend Framework compatibility.

- A brand new ORM layer, Eloquent ORM 2.0 (ORM stands for Object Relationship Mapping). This update refactors how relationships operate within your codebase without requiring any SQL queries or having to write a lot of additional code.

- Improved migrations generated by migrations v3 that offer more control over how your data is created, updated or deleted.

- Increased performance with PHP 7 support.

Laravel is one of the most popular and powerful open-source web application frameworks. Laravel makes it easy for a developer to design, develop, and deploy a web application using PHP as a server-side language. This article is an introductory guide to the Laravel 8 release which will help you understand what’s new in the framework and how to set up your projects with this latest version.

Laravel 8 includes some amazing features such as the improved syntax sugar, routing improvements, enhanced file uploads, and more efficient database queries that make Laravel development easier than ever.

The main changes are listed below:

- New Syntax Sugar: Improved syntax sugar allows developers to write routes much faster. The new syntax sugar also works better with short function names. For example, "post" instead of "create".

- Routing Improvements: Routes have been updated to have less overhead on each request for faster performance and reduced memory usage; routing now.

What's new in Laravel 8?

- New Responses: The HTTP status code has been updated to the new value of 204 meaning that the request was successfully responded to.

- Improved File Uploads: Laravel now supports file uploads in a much more efficient way. For example, if you have a file that is too large for an image upload, Laravel will buffer the file and then decompress it on the fly making it faster than before.

- New Database Migrations: Database migrations have been updated with some major improvements for each migration type including adding support for custom commands, new drivers, and improved configuration options.

Laravel 8 has many developer tools that make development easier than ever!

Who are the main contributors to this release?

The primary contributors are Taylor Otwell, creator of Laravel; Fabien Potencier, creator of Symfony; and Chris Fidao, creator of Homestead.

How to install Laravel 8 on your machine

The first step for installing Laravel 8 is to install Composer. To install Composer, you will need to have a command-line interface.

You can also use a GUI interface if you prefer. Once you install Composer, you will be able to download and set up the latest version of Laravel. Some specific dependencies must be installed before installing Laravel. For example, there are tools such as Ruby, Git, and PHPUnit that must be installed with this release of Laravel. You can get these tools by following the official installation instructions on their respective websites.

Once all the dependencies are installed, go ahead and clone your favorite branch or create a new project using composer. Then, install Laravel by running "composer update". This should automatically download all the latest packages into your application folder and set up everything necessary to run it successfully in production.  

Who are the main contributors to this release?

The primary contributors are Taylor Otwell, creator of Laravel; Fabien Potencier, creator of Symfony; and Chris Fidao, creator of Homestead.

How do you get started with Laravel 8?

The best way to get started with Laravel 8 is to read the installation instructions. Once you have it installed and running, you can use the built-in support tools to learn more about Laravel. There are also many free tutorials available online that offer a good introduction on how to use Laravel, so check those out as well.

In terms of getting started, there is a lot of information available for people who are new to Laravel or web development in general. If you want even more resources, check out our list of guides for beginners and intermediate developers.

There is also great official documentation that offers tutorials on everything from building your first app with Laravel 8 through advanced topics like testing your app locally and deploying it to production servers.

Create your first project using Laravel 8

The first step to using Laravel 8 is to create your project. To do this, you'll need to install Laravel 8 in your project directory. Now that the framework is downloaded and installed, you can begin creating a new project.

To create a new project on your local machine, use the following command:

PHP artisan make: project MyNewProject

This will create a new Laravel application with the default name of "MyNewProject". When prompted for a database configuration file, leave it blank and press enter.

Afterward, open up the config/app.php file and change the application name from "MyNewProject" to whatever you want; just don't forget the .env file! You can also add or remove services from this file as desired.

How to use Laravel's routing


1. Create a file called routes.php in your app folder and list the routes you want to implement:

2. Update app/start/global/router.php

3. Add an array of the route names to your config/routes.php file, like this:

4. Edit your routes:

5. Run PHP artisan route: list command

6. Navigate to /posts (or whichever URL you want)

7. Enjoy!

What is the new syntax sugar?

The new syntax sugar is an upgraded feature that will allow developers to write routes much more efficiently and faster. The new syntax sugar also works better with short function names. For example, instead of having "create" as your route name, you can use "post".

- Improved File Uploads: Laravel 8 allows for file uploads to be done fluently without having to go through the entire uploading process multiple times. The new file uploader provides a lot of additional flexibility for the developer.

- Database Improvements: Database improvements have been made to reduce overhead and improve performance by improving database query speed and reducing memory usage.

Create your first project using Laravel 8

The first step to using Laravel 8 is to create your project. To do this, you'll need to install Laravel 8 in your project directory. Now that the framework is downloaded and installed, you can begin creating a new project.

To create a new project on your local machine, use the following command:

PHP artisan make: project MyNewProject

This will create a new Laravel application with the default name of "MyNewProject". When prompted for a database configuration file, leave it blank and press enter.

Afterward, open up the config/app.php file and change the application name from "MyNewProject" to whatever you want; just don't forget the .env file! You can also add or remove services from this file as desired. 

Laravel 8 Release

Laravel 8 is breaking changes from previous versions of Laravel. The changes are aimed at making the framework more flexible, easier to maintain, and less resource-intensive.

The following are some of the major changes you should be aware of in this release:

- Migrations v3 was introduced into Laravel 8 which gives you more control over how your data is created, updated, or deleted.

- PHP 7 support makes it possible for you to upgrade without worrying about performance issues. 

What are some of the key features in Laravel 8?

- A new ORM layer, Eloquent ORM 2.0 (ORM stands for Object Relationship Mapping). This update refactors how relationships operate within your codebase without requiring any SQL queries or having to write a lot of additional code.

- Improved migrations generated by migrations v3 that offer more control over how your data is created, updated or deleted.

- Increased performance with PHP 7 support.

- New frameworks: Phalcon, Lumen, and Zend Framework compatibility. 

How does Laravel 8 improve performance?

PHP 7 is a significant upgrade from the previous version of PHP and is many times faster than its predecessor. Laravel 8's performance updates are also largely thanks to PHP 7, as the framework fully supports it.

Not only does Laravel 8 speed up your application with PHP 7, but by using Composer you can easily install any packages needed for your project in one step. This will save you time and effort as you won't have to update each package at a later date. 

What is Eloquent ORM 2.0?

Eloquent ORM 2.0 is a brand new data access layer for Laravel that refactors how relationships work in your codebase. It does this by eliminating the need for SQL queries or writing additional code and instead allows you to use functions, methods, and events to bring about changes in your database structure. The migration feature of Eloquent ORM 2.0 makes it easy for you to alter the way your data is created, updated, or deleted. This helps speed up development time because you don’t have to write a lot of extra code. Eloquent ORM 2.0 has been designed with performance in mind, so if you're using PHP 7 then performance will be noticeably improved as well.

Is Phalcon and Laravel 8 compatible?

Laravel 8 is compatible with the Phalcon framework and this will allow Laravel developers to easily integrate the features of Phalcon into their applications. However, for those who want to use Laravel's built-in ORM, Eloquent 2.0, there are compatibility issues that may arise when using Phalcon with Laravel.

Be sure to read more about these changes in the release notes of Laravel 8 on GitHub. 

Will Laravel 8 be best used with PHP 7?

Laravel 8 relies on PHP 7, so it will be best used with this new version of the language. However, Laravel can still be used with older versions, but you'll need to install a compatibility layer like Homestead or Lara-Go to use it.

Laravel 8 is a major release for the framework and is sure to be one of the most significant releases in recent memory. It's important to keep your eye on what's coming down the pipeline from Laravel.

How does it work with short function names?

- File uploads: Uploading files is now easier than ever with Laravel 8.

- Database Query Improvements: The latest version of Laravel includes database query optimizations that are more efficient and faster than before.

- Admin Tool Improvements: There's been a lot of work with the admin interface for a better user experience. For example, you can reorder your menus and sidebar widgets now.

Changes made to migrations.

Migrations are a part of any application and they help with the database schema changes or even making the application dynamic on the fly. Laravel 8 includes some major improvements to migrations which make them more efficient and easier to maintain.

- Migrations now do not require files to be rewritten every time they are running, which means they will be more consistent and reliable. There is also an option for developers to customize the migration process by adding their custom code alongside the framework’s default behavior.

- Database queries have been improved so that it takes less time than ever before, meaning migrations will run faster than ever before!

Why choose Laravel 8 over other CMS?

Laravel is an MVC framework that comes with its own built-in CMS (CMS stands for Content Management System). Laravel helps you build websites and with the release of Laravel 8, they've streamlined their CMS to be even more user-friendly. Another reason to choose Laravel 8 is that it has a simpler installation process compared to other options, like WordPress.

If you're not familiar with how to install WordPress, then you'll want to know about some of the benefits of using Laravel 8 as your site's CMS.


Laravel Web Development Company is a company that specializes in the development of web applications using the Laravel PHP framework. The company could be an individual or group who work together to develop and maintain these websites, which are designed with user-friendly features for users to interact with them easily. A laravel website usually has a variety of different functions such as registration forms, payment gateways, checkout pages, and search engines so it can provide its customers with more functionality than other types of sites on the market at present time.

Laravel 8 release is a game-changer for developers. This is a huge upgrade in the Laravel version and many developers have been waiting for this release. There are so many features that went into this new release. This includes performance improvements and new features such as Eloquent ORM 2.0 and Phalcon compatibility. Laravel 8 release is a must-have upgrade for all developers who are looking to improve their codebase or have already been using Laravel 7.2.

Orion CEO
About Author

DC Kumawat

DC Kumawat is the CEO of Orion InfoSolutions, a leading provider of IT solutions to businesses of all sizes. He has over 14+ years of experience in the IT industry. He is a passionate advocate for the use of technology to improve business performance.