Why Node with React is a Smart Choice for Full-Stack Web App Development?

Why Node with React is a Smart Choice for Full-Stack Web App Development?
Last Updated on : Website Development Full-stack Web
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Today's advanced technology is growing massively in the IT world. Most businesses start their tech development solutions by choosing the best platforms and fast technology for app development. This field is something that brings a challenge and competitiveness in the market.

Every app developers target new techs that allow them to make everything fast and easy to work on. The mobile and web applications can be built using the same technology and give a freeway, creating an extraordinary and user-friendly experience on all platforms such as Android and iOS.

To stay ahead in the competition with your competitors, you need fast and easy technology. Therefore, choosing the right platform to boost your business always plays a crucial role. React, and Node is the framework for you. These two technologies are best when collaborating and using them in your project to complete it with the speed of light.

If you want to build a custom website for a small or large business, understand that you need to use technology that best serves your users.

Interestingly, using Node.js in the backend and React.js in the frontend shows great results in web application development.

This blog will explain why you should combine these two modern technologies (Node with React) and how they work flawlessly to create easy-to-maintain and quick-to-use web apps. Let's get started!

Introduction of Node. JS

Node is an open-source framework for all your backend web application development. This programming language is best for running on many platforms and cuts development time. Node is a built-in Javascript engine v8 in Google chrome.

It allows you to use Javascript modules and eliminates any duplication in development. In Node.js, you can build a strong and well-maintained backend of an application with a Javascript runtime procedure.

Node.js is an event-based language, and it can run on multiple devices. It is the best choice for Node.js Development Company for developing data-intensive applications as Node improves the speed of your code execution. It uses the single-threaded model and avoids buffering while performing input/output operations.

What Are the Key Features of Node.js?

Node.js has its way of working in javascript and has some top-class features that allow you to work smoothly and fast. Let us learn about Node.js top features such as Single-Threaded, Asynchronous, Event-driven, Scalability, Performance, Open Source, NPM, No Buffering in Codes, and Cross-Platform Compatibility.

  1. Single-Threaded

Node.js works on a single thread framework. It is built on 'Single-Threaded Event Loop Model' architecture which can handle multiple client requests in less time. A single thread executes the main event loop, but in the background, input-output work is performed on separate threads; The input-output operation of the Node API is asynchronous (non-blocking design) to accommodate the event loop. The event loop is what allows node.js to perform all non-blocking operations.

  1. Asynchronous

The Node.js library is all synchronized in a (non-blocking) structure. When a client sends a request to the server, a single thread checks the request, and if it sees any database related interaction, it will decline the request; if a single thread accepts the request, then the request processes ahead, and the server sends back the response to the client. And the process continues like this.

  1. Event-Driven

The only difference is that the callback function executes once the asynchronous function returns its result and the event is triggered on its corresponding event handler. Node provides a module called "Events", which contains an "EventEmitter" class that allows us to implement event-driven programming. An event handler is a process called when an event is initiated. The main loop listens to event triggers and then calls the corresponding event handlers.

EventEmitter has various methods, one of which is emitted (), which fires an event. Emit () has the first argument as the event's name, and the next argument is used to pass the data. The on () method listens to the event emitted and executes it. Event-driven programming makes Node very fast responsive and gives high performance.

  1. Open-Source

Node.js is an open-source framework which means it is free to use. App developers always try to find these types of platforms. An open-source platform gives them exactly what they want for developing applications. Anyone can install this tool and use it.

  1. Performance

Node.js framework is built on advanced Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, which helps us in faster code execution. The engine compiles the JavaScript code into machine code, making our code easier and faster to implement effectively. Concepts like Asynchronous programming and how it works on non-blocking input-output operations make its performance high. Node.js makes heavy use of events which makes it very fast. 

  1. Scalability

NodeJs addresses one of the most crucial concerns in software development: scalability. Nowadays, most organizations demand scalable software. NodeJs can handle simultaneous requests efficiently. It has a cluster module that manages load balancing for all active CPU cores. 

Its most attractive feature is the ability of NodeJs to separate applications horizontally. It achieves this through the use of child processes, and This allows organizations to offer different app versions to different target audiences, allowing them to meet customer preferences for customization.

  1. No Buffering in Codes

Due to the callback function concept, Node.js outputs application data in blocks. Therefore, the user receives the data more easily and is ready, as he does not have to wait for the whole operation to finish. It cuts down on time needed for processing, e.g., when uploading audio or video files. They never buffer any data.

A callback function is an operation that is passed as an idea to another function. The first parameter passed to the callback function is false, which is checked if something goes wrong, Whereas, in the callback function, the second parameter is used to pass the data. Additional arguments can be passed to the callback function to give data.

  1. NPM (Node Package Manager)

As we know, Node Package Manager is a package manager for the Node JavaScript runtime domain, and it is a recommended component of the Node.js installer. It is the most extensive online storage in the world. It also looks after the management of the local reliances of our project. It has around 50,000 - 80,000 packages in its public online store.  

  1. Cross-Platform Compatibility

Node.js is used on various systems, including Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, and mobile devices. It can be merged with the appropriate package to produce a self-contained executable.

Functions of Node.js

Following are some of the tasks that Node.js can do: - 

  • Collects data from forms.
  • Data is added, deleted and changed in the database.
  • Provides dynamic content for web pages.
  • Files are created, read, written, deleted and closed on the server.

Introduction of React.js

React.js is not a framework but one of the most popular Javascript libraries. It is released by Facebook to make apps lighter and faster. It works according to the MVC architecture and updates everything in the view part of the architecture. If you build an app with an attractive user interface, React.js is highly recommended.

It provides solutions to the problems that occur during the rendering of large databases.

What Are the Key Features of React.js?

  1. Virtual DOM

This feature of React helps reduce the development time and flexibility in making an application. That algorithm facilitates the replication of a web page in React's virtual memory.

Whenever the React is modified or updated, it refreshes and renders the whole UI by the virtual DOM. This function reduces the cost of development as well as time.

  1. JavaScript XML/JSX

It is a syntax that describes the appearance of the app's interface. It makes the syntax the same as the HTML and is used to create react components by developers.

JSX is one of the best features of React.js as it makes it very easy to write codes.

  1. React Native

Native React JS for Android and iOS uses native instead of web components to boost development.

This feature changes the React code to be compatible with the iOS or Android platforms and provides access to their native features.

  1. Declarative UI

The declarative UI tool makes React code more readable and easier to fix bugs. React JS is the best platform to develop UIs that are exciting and engaging for web and mobile apps.

  1. Component-Based Architecture

It simply means that the user interface of an app based on React JS is made up of several components, each with its special reasoning, written in JS.

Due to this, developers can forward data across the app without affecting the virtual DOM. React JS components play a great part in deciding app visuals and interactions.

Functions of React

Following are some of the tasks that React.js can do: - 

  • Single Page Application (SPA)
  • building large social media sites
  • web browsing apps
  • create user interface
  • the dynamic library

Why Using Node with React a smart choice for full-stack web app development?

If you may not know, there are remarkable benefits to using React and NodeJS together. Also, integrating React with NodeJS can help you spare the overall development time and some other great benefits. 

It is a smart choice if you plan to hire a Node.js developer, but let me elaborate on why you should hire a React js development company in the intersection with Node.js for your web application development.

The reasons given below are a strong foundation to integrate Node.js with React.js.

High Server Load

Undoubtedly, there will be many aspects to your website. Now, these will ultimately create a higher server load. This is why we often hear reports of websites crashing or websites down.

To resolve this problem, developers used Node.js and React.js for software development, and the results were positive. It becomes easy to make multiple requests to the website with these mixtures.

Real-time Data

The website's primary objective is to keep its customers on your website for a longer time. Since real-time applications are more engaging to users, many businesses acknowledge that users spend more time on these websites than on other websites. So, it works as both hands in profit by providing real-time data to the users.

Node.js works incredibly well for real-time data. On the other hand, Reactjs does the job of creating attractive UI structures. It is a perfect choice for your new website development.

MERN Stack

MERN stack is also known as MongoDB, Express, React and Node.js. There is no better than these frameworks to give a new dimension to your website. The point is that Node.js is heavily used with the MERN stack and React.js. So you can use these mixed solutions to develop web applications using Node.js with React.

Single Language for Front-end and Back-end Development

With Node and React, developers do not need to learn complex backend languages like Python or Ruby. They can use Node for server-side development and React for frontend code without switching between frameworks and programming languages. And it saves a lot of resources, money and time.

Organized Procedure

The best duo of React and Node creates an organized web development process. After all, these technologies are flexible, effective and fast. They can help you build a high-functioning website as per your requirements when working together.

Can Node.js With React Help Meet the Changing Demands of the Market?

Interestingly, the scope of this technology is growing at a massive rate, and its future is bright. The demand for combining Node.js with React.js has also overtaken Java.

As we discussed earlier, Node.js and React.js are shining in their way. Now, the combo of these has created uninterrupted demand and flourishing.

New technologies are coming to market, but they still lack to make a strong stand for themselves. On the other hand, the benefits of Node.js with React for web development are rapidly proven.

Furthermore, with the introduction of Virtual DOM, changes are introduced quickly, and thus performance is enhanced.

It would be great if you could take advantage of the early bird by making your website the best it can be.

Node.js With React.js: It's Uncomplicated If You Do It Smartly

Many technologies go with React.js. Examples are PHP, Python and Ruby. But as we discussed, it is best fitted with Node.js.

Using Node.js and React.js for web development can help you take your project to a higher level without wasting your time. All you need is a company of highly skilled developers to help you build an attractive website that attracts users on your side.

For your next web development project, are you considering combining node.js as a frontend with React.js as a backend?

You can hire our dedicated web development teams, building an excellent website for years. You can consult with our experts before building your next dream project.

Orion CEO
About Author

DC Kumawat

DC Kumawat is the CEO of Orion InfoSolutions, a leading provider of IT solutions to businesses of all sizes. He has over 14+ years of experience in the IT industry. He is a passionate advocate for the use of technology to improve business performance.