EV Cabz App  Case Study icon

EV Cabz App

Clean Organized Code – The whole project has many sub projects.

EV Cabz App  Case Study
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EV Cabz a start-up was clear about offering an online Electric Scooters and taxi booking service, however, with no technical knowledge they wanted to design a customer-oriented app for making it easy to reach the destination.

Client Initial Requirements

EV Cabz- can be a successful Electric Scooters and taxi booking service if guided by developers who offer proven methodology keeping in mind the purpose of the app says" EV Cabz Owner".

His vision was to allow people easily connect with Electric Scooters locally, manage their start and end destination on a map, track driver’s route, as well as, make payments via multiple methods that are convenient to all.

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Application Features

User-friendly interface

Integrate GPS technology

Integrate payment gateway

Review and Rating functionality

Manage favorite location

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Push notification feature

Enhanced ride listing

Chat option (trending)

Payment management

Custom ride option

Reviews And Ratings For Shoppers

Challenges Accept Our Team


While considering an app for an Electric Scooters and taxi service- we had to ensure that the interface is beneficial to both (people and drivers). Our experienced developers created the app using JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) to ensure a light weight data interchange.

Tracking Integration

Offering Google Map integrated interface, our app developers team enabled a GPS (Global Positioning Location) that can allow people to connect with the closest driver, riders and pinpoint their start and end location. This will automatically eliminate the need to manually add location details, especially for people who are new in the city.

24/7 Instant Support

Last, we wanted to offer a feature that could allow people to communicate with the driver/riders on-the-go in the case of a sudden change to pick and drop requirements.

App Screenshots



iPhone App

well-known with Objective C and now upgraded to SWIFT5 for performing iOS mobile application development- our developers keep themselves updated with tools by Apple’s IDE (Xcode 10) as well as offer APN (Apple Push Notification).


Android App

Experienced with Java language, our developers use the latest tools offered by Android SDK to create innovative mobile applications and are quick with Google, SOAP (Simple Object Access control Protocol) and RPC (Remote Procedure Call) API integrations.


Final Output

Our developer’s team with prior experience in creating the mobile app for multiple industry types used their skills to create the best Electric Scooters and taxi application that can be easily installed in Smartphone’s running iOS and Android platforms.

Advanced Features

Database and Hosting

For database we are using the robust Firebase Real time Database and Firebase’s own hosting platform.


Authentication is managed by Firebase Authentication. Email, Phone (OTP SMS) Authentication are main methods.

Map Based Approach

Drag Map for selecting the Address or use the Autocomplete backed by Google APIs.

Flexible Booking

Book Now and Book Later Scheduling is available. Choose available vehicle options. Instant estimate before confirming booking.

Vehicle Types

Customer are presented with different car types for choosing on the Booking page. These are set by Admin with different Distance and Time rates.

Booking Mangement

All users have the feature of viewing their full booking list in App and Web. Select a booking and cancel. Admin can manage all bookings.

Payment Gateways

There are multiple payment gateways integrated with the App.

Multiple Language Support

Option to configure multiple languages. All Left to Right Languages are supported.

Dispatch Options

Fully Automatic dispatch with Option to Manually dispatch Jobs to Drivers. Admin can dispatch manually.


Cancellation option with reasons. Slab system to define multiple Cancellation fees based on conditions. Fully automated credit to Wallet.

Website Features

Online Web Booking for Customer and option to manage the booking. Basic Pages are included like Landing Page, About Us, Privacy Policy and App Store Links Showcase Area on Landing Page.

Driver Approvals

The Driver registration is carefully design to enter Vehicle Details and Driver Driving License for Verification. These can be accessed by Admin for approval. Approval system is optional.

Driver Jobs

Realtime booking requests gets added to Tasks list. Non stop sound alerting for new job if app is in background. Drivers have ability to accept and ignore requests.


Google Map based navigation is integrated to the system. Driver can directly forward the location coordinates to Google Navigation in one tap.

Fleet Management

Admins can add Businesses as Fleet Admins. Fleet Admins have the power to add and approve their own Drivers. Also check their earnings.

Driver Earnings & Withdraw

Driver income adds up to the Wallet. Driver can opt to Withdraw Wallet funds anytime. The request goes to the Admin for approval.

Payment Methods

There are 3 primary payment methods Wallet, Cash and Online Payment Gateways. Online payment gateways introduce various financial instruments to the App.

Profile Management

User can change their basic details and profile pics from the Profile page in App. User can also Delete their account from here.

User Management

Admin can add, edit, delete all the 3 types of users, Customers, Drivers and Fleet Admins. Admin can approve the Driver and also reset the Busy status of Drivers.


Active booking has the option for Chat and Phone Call between Customer and the Driver. Chat has Push Notification integrated.

Referral Bonus and Promos

Referral amount and Promo code with validity can be setup on the Admin portal. The referral program benefits both user who share and use the referral code to register. Promo codes can be used while making payments to avail discounts.

Push Notifications

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) and Expo work together to provide the perfect system for the Push Notifications.


Customers and Drivers both have Wallet. Customers can topup and pay from it. Driver’s income get added to Wallet and they can Withdraw. Admin has the option to topup Wallets of both types of users.

Statistics and Reports

The Dashboard for Admin comes with basic statistics on earnings and a map for active drivers.

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